What are laser line projectors?

1. What is a laser Projected Walkway?
3. How much do they cost to run?
Have you ever changed the layout of your factory? If so, what did you do about your old painted walkways? Most world class facilities provide pedestrian walkways but when the factory layout changes, the walkways can become redundant, so you have likely experienced this problem yourself. In addition, food and beverage manufacturers especially scrub the floors clean every night, often taking with it part of what was a nice painted walkway. If you’re experiencing these types of problems then maybe a laser projected walkway is the answer for you. By the end of this article you will know what a laser projected walkway is, how much it costs and whether it is the right fit for you?
What is a laser Projected walkway?
If you have a factory or warehouse with any form of moving machinery, then you’ll likely be trying to guide pedestrians down designated routes. To do this there are three main options for you; either paint a walkway, install pedestrian barriers or use a projected solution such as a laser projector. A laser projected walkway is a walkway which is highlighted by the projection of a laser beam on the floor. Typically, most factories would use two lasers to mark each side of the pathway making it very clear for pedestrians and machine operators where it is safe to walk.
How much do they cost?
Typically, a laser projector will cost around £1500. If you were to project a beam each side of a path, you would require two lasers so a typical walkway would cost £3000. How far a laser can project depends on available height, but typically we would say a laser will project up to 20m. If you have a walkway of 100 m long as an example, then this would require 10 lasers in total and would therefore cost £15,000. By contrast an LED projected walkway would cost you nearer £100,000, as each projector can project less than half the distance of a laser beam.
How much do they cost to run?
Compared to any other form of projected lighting, a laser projection is a very low-cost, low-energy consumption product and is usually between 1- 3 watts. This high efficiency form of projector cannot be matched by any form of LED projector for intensity and efficiency.
What are my options?
Laser projected walkways can be made to interact with other types of projections to create a smart warning system. They can be supplied with motion detection so that they are only activated by the presence of people or machinery. And in combination with this, laser projected walkways can be made to interact with LED projected stop signs, warning signs, roller shutter doors and more.
How long do they last?
One of the questions that we always get asked is, “How long do we expect a laser projected walkway to last?” This is difficult to answer as we haven’t had one fail on us yet, but the Clarity VM Projected lasers have a 2-year warranty, so we would expect them to last more than five years, especially if they are being used to interact with other projected signage.
Are they safe to use?
Another regular question we get is, “Are they safe?”
The Clarity VM line lasers are considered “extended sources” according to current laser standards EN 60825-1 and safety guidelines. They are much easier to handle than more dangerous spot lasers. The strong expansion of the laser beam considerably reduces the risk. Therefore, a Laser installation is usually classified as Laser Class 2 or even Class 1.
What are the downsides?
As with all projected signage - the brighter the factory, the less intense the lighting. This can be checked easily by downloading a free lux meter app on your phone, and checking the area where you would like to project the walkway. A typical factory is normally somewhere between 200-400 lux. When you get above 600 lux, then you should consider trialing it before buying it.
A laser projected walkway also cannot replace a physical pedestrian barrier. Where there is a risk of a pedestrian being hit by Forklift, is it crucial that sufficient impact protection is put in place. In this case, a pedestrian barrier would be a better option, although this can also be combined with other walkway options to create the standard green “walkway” look.
So what next?
So now you know what a laser projected walkway is and how it works, the next step is to reach out and ask to see one in your factory. A laser may also not be the right option for you, so we can discuss your other options in person.